Cleaning Business Life

CBL Episode #85-Revolutionize Your Marketing: Social Media Strategies for Cleaners/Cleaning Business Owners

Shannon Miller and Jamie Runco Season 2024 Episode 85

Ready to revolutionize your cleaning business through cutting-edge social media strategies? Join Jamie Runco and me, Shannon Miller, as we unlock the secrets to mastering social media marketing tailored specifically for cleaning services. From overcoming the hurdles of managing multiple Facebook pages to tapping into Pinterest’s massive search engine potential, we'll guide you on how to leverage LinkedIn for attracting commercial clients and navigate TikTok’s time-intensive nature. Discover user-friendly editing tools like VideoShop and iMovie to elevate your marketing efforts without breaking the bank. We also emphasize the importance of maintaining a balanced budget until your business starts to see financial gains.

In this episode, we dive into actionable strategies to boost your social media presence, including following industry peers for inspiration and running engaging contests. Learn the art of planning content ahead of time, utilizing AB testing, and the transformative power of live videos. Jamie and I share our favorite tools like Puebler for scheduling and resources such as AppSumo and Clean Pixel AI to streamline your operations. We also delve into the complexities of supporting local employees while considering future outsourcing options. Tune in for practical advice on consistently growing your business and making the most out of available digital tools and networks.

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Erica Paynter is the brains behind My Virtual Bookkeeper, a bookkeeping firm for cleaning companies, and the creator of Clean Co. Cash Flow Academy and the Clean Co. Collective. She’s on a mission to help cleaning business owners make sense of their numbers without boring them to tears! Erica’s all about turning messy books into profit-packed powerhouses. 

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Speaker 1:

recording in progress. Welcome, welcome, welcome to cleaning business life. My name is shani miller, I am your host and the wonderful miss jamie runco is joining me as my co-host today. Welcome, jamie. And today we are going to talk about social media marketing specifically. I mean, with marketing you could actually have a whole college degree, get a master's, and I don't think you would ever stop learning, because marketing keeps changing and it's like the grocery store you just want it to be the same thing, but then new and exciting things come and you have to learn something new and learn a lot of the new thing oh yeah, no, marketing is a whole thing all in its own.

Speaker 2:

Along with running your cleaning business Right Now, you have to market the cleaning business Because, honestly, how will anybody know if you're not there? And especially using social media.

Speaker 1:

Totally. Oh, that's my mic. I was like what is that thing in the back of my background that's distracting me.

Speaker 2:

Squirrel. Oh, that's my mic. I was like what is that thing in the back of my background that's distracting me? Squirrel, let me tell you, I can't. I I'm um, my whole logo is pink and black, but I can see nothing but pink in her background, because my office is painted pink, right, and I just it's Pepto-Bismol pink nonetheless. So I we got to get in here and paint. This has got to be painted. It's just a matter of time.

Speaker 1:

It's too hot too. You got to like wait till it cools down a little bit oh man.

Speaker 1:

today we're going to talk about, um, social media marketing, what you need, the bare minimum you need to social media market, some of the steps that you can take to market on social media to really kind of help you get things along. This isn't geared towards the person who's going to hire a social media person or, like I have an actual VA who does all of my social media posts, with the exception of the long form social media posts. I do those myself, but she does all of the posts to all of my pages. I believe I have nine Facebook pages that she manages.

Speaker 1:

It's just crazy to think about. Like you know, you have nine social media. Yeah, no, and we haven't even. Really we just started with Pinterest and that's a whole different entity in itself, because Pinterest is the second largest search engine in the world. The first one is Google, the second one is Pinterest and it's even bigger than YouTube. So when you're searching for things, it'll pop up in Pinterest and there's a whole different marketing segment for just Pinterest. I'm thinking about taking a course on it next year. We'll see.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's interesting.

Speaker 1:

So I never thought about until I was listening to a podcast from somebody else, um, and they were talking about their specialist in um in Pinterest, and I can't remember the name of her, but I really like her. She gets all to the nitty gritty and Pinterest. So there's like segments. You can have podcasts that just talk about Facebook and a podcast that just talk about Instagram. Instagram is something I'm going to up my game on next year. You know everything. Next year, next year, next year, same same. That is a different thing as well. There's constant feeding of the, the Instagram monster. It's just it can be interesting. So, yeah, you have to have. You know all that stuff.

Speaker 2:

I think that pick one, pick one and take it and run with it.

Speaker 1:

If you don't do all of them at once, you'll get overwhelmed.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

What are there? There's LinkedIn, there's Facebook.

Speaker 2:

LinkedIn is more geared towards um, if you're going to go down the commercial uh, you definitely have to have a linkedin um there's you have to have a business profile and your personal right and your and there's certain things to fill out together and together, and that's something that I need to step my game up on a little bit more.

Speaker 1:

Mine's pretty small. I think I get like 20 views Woo.

Speaker 2:

Hey, I get it every day. Hey, your name came up in a search. Woo-hoo, Accomplishment check. There's a lot of the there's Instagram. Tiktok seems to be a huge one right now and that's if you, I think, honestly, whenever you're going to make content like that with TikTok, those are, I feel, more geared towards a solo cleaner. I'm going to tell you the reason. Why is because it takes so much time to do editing and, you know, putting it up there. You know, I feel like it's just geared for somebody that's really has the time on their hands.

Speaker 1:

It's like a never ending machine. And if you are, if you're a one and done and you're able to film and one one cut and not have a lot of editing, tiktok could be perfect for you. But if you require, if you're not comfortable on camera and you require editing, then that requires you to learn it. There is a learning curve to all editing software. I actually use iMovie and VideoShop. I renew my membership to VideoShop every year. I believe it's like 39 bucks and the reason why I always renew it is because I know how to work it off my phone.

Speaker 1:

Imovie is too small for me because I wear glasses. I can only use oh, I have this great idea for a wheel, but I'm not home in front of my Mac. So then I'm like, well, I don't want to go home. So video shop is it for me, and then iMovie on my Mac. I now know I'm pretty fluid on the ins and outs of all of that, but there is a learning curve and you have to either do your due diligence or you have to hire out and I'm all about keeping your expenses low until you start making money and then you can add on things. That's the best way not to bankrupt yourself.

Speaker 2:

Because it goes quick. The money goes quick and sometimes it'll go just as fast as it came In and out fast as it came.

Speaker 2:

It does, but I don't think of it as whenever I have my bills paid, I'm okay, like that's as long as I have food in my son's belly. My husband eats the lights are on. Eats, the lights are on. The mortgage is paid, I'm okay. So I reinvest whatever is left over into my business and marketing. You have to market.

Speaker 2:

Social media is where it's at, especially when you're first starting out. I believe in our last episode we talked about, we touched on this a little bit. For me, what works for us is and it's something that I knew which is Facebook Super easy and it's free. And it's free and you can link your business or your personal account to your business. It'll save right under mine. I'm the owner of Above All Cleaning Services. People can check, click on that and then it takes them directly over to my business account and that's where we get the time to shine and we're always thinking of better ways to one up the next. You know the last one that we did, or you know, um, we do introductions to of uh, uh, cleaning techs, um, contest winners, someone won a prize, just anything.

Speaker 2:

Especially starting off, you want to showcase that you are able to magically take off soap scum, say off of the bathroom wall people want to know that you are able to come in and actually make a difference in their lives, which what we're trying to do is give back people's time time for them to go do whatever. One less thing on your plate, you can go do whatever, but social media. You have to have social media and market in that social media to start getting people to look at you. You know to. You got to sit there and say, hey, I'm over here waving your hands, pounding the pavement and constantly uh, marketing Cause, like I said, uh in a previous podcast is that word of mouth will only get you so far. And then there's also the people that you have, clients that don't want to do word of mouth because they're afraid that they'll lose you.

Speaker 1:

So you have to it's a very selfish relationship. It really is.

Speaker 2:

I get it. You know, like you said, we are the golden unicorns, um, we, we know how to clean, we know how to well, um and uh. So word of mouth is only going to get you so far. You got to constantly be marketing, um, and for us, social media marketing is where it's at. It's where you can showcase what you do and your crew. Who's going to be in their people's homes or offices or businesses. People want to know, especially your clients. Your clients love to look. All my clients follow me. So, look, I have all my clients follow me and they like to see that. Oh, we're not the only ones that really like, above all, cleaning services. So do I. And you know, heart, heart, heart, heart. And you know, after you get so big, you can actually start. I know some people that start can make money off of this. The more clicks you get, the more they start offering you so much money. It just you know that's a whole nother segment.

Speaker 2:

That's a whole nother segment.

Speaker 1:

But I'm looking at your um, your Facebook page. So one of the prerequisites to get into um, the maids network Facebook group is I or um Jamie or Kim or um Jennifer, look at your profile to see that you a mentioned that you're a cleaning business owner and that you have a Facebook profile page and we we kind of look at which, we check you guys out, believe it or not, it's just arbitrary. We're only allowing cleaning business owners in the group. So there is that prerequisite and what Jamie has done and I'm looking at her personal page right now Jamie has created a. This is just her personal page. So the only way to make Facebook work for you is you have to have Facebook friends. You only have 12 Facebook friends. Your reach is going to be way smaller versus Jamie right now has 1.7 friends and 81 mutual Facebook friends with me. But if you click on Jamie's profile, which is what I recommend that you do and it's Jamie Runco, r-u-n. Are you in CEO Drushelle? I'm probably butchering your last name.

Speaker 2:

Drexel, drexel. It's totally butchered. I'm so sorry.

Speaker 1:

I hear it all the time. It's that she's automatically by default on her personal page advertising for her business on her personal page Now there is a little bit of like well page. Now there is a little bit of like well. I only I don't want my clients to be part of what I talk about. Let's be honest, okay, if you're out there complaining and being a victim on Facebook all the time, you're only going to attract other victims and people who are angry. You have to be positive and you have to have the right mindset to share your world with them. You can definitely share your world. I do it too. Some people go. I can't believe how many dogs you share. I'm like just keep on scrolling and I've had people get in arguments with me over in Messenger because I'm sharing all these dogs. I have a larger presence on social media and it's my way of giving back and, unfortunately, when you become my Facebook friend, you also get to see a lot of dogs and I love that.

Speaker 2:

I love that about you.

Speaker 1:

That's something that you're passionate about Right and I constantly do and people like you share too many dogs. This is really depressing, I'm like. But I have a larger presence than most people do on Facebook, so I figure I have a bigger reach. Do I share other personal things? Yeah, you'll see my littles, you'll see some other things, but I'm not sharing the really negative stuff.

Speaker 1:

You got to make sure that you're being positive and that you're sharing stuff that is beneficial for you and your business. So it's it's a double edged sword. So you have to decide whether you want to be that person or not. But I guarantee Jamie is out there and she's more visible than someone else who isn't doing what she's doing. And then you also have your business page link. So it says owner of, above all, cleaning services Um, she's had custodian at her church, um, you know. And then you can see her doggy. And then there's photos. So a lot of the photos around her cutie wootie who is in. Was he fourth grade this year? Yes, I can't believe it. It's so fast, I know. So you have to make sure that you are representing yourself in the right manner.

Speaker 1:

So if you go to her personal her Facebook business page cleaning services. She has 2.5K followers, so you have to have the only way to make the algorithm work and it seems so logical, but sometimes someone has to spell it out for you is by having Facebook friends. That should be the number one goal when you start to go. Oh, I should probably do this If I look at your profile and you have 12 friends. You need to work on getting more friends and becoming more friends and following other people. Jamie follows, I believe, everybody in our industry and it's a lot of follows and it can be a lot of work, but it gets her reach out there. So when she's posting on her social media page, it gets spread to them automatically. So when you're somebody, you have priority sharing that information with her than if you're not friends with Jamie. Does that make sense?

Speaker 2:

Yes, no, I, that's exactly took the words right out of my mouth. So, yeah, and this is all cleaning content and I, I love to help people and I love to follow people and watch and see and learn. Why are they getting so many clicks? What are they posting that's getting them so many clicks? Not that I take their content, but I get ideals from this and it just kind of grows from there, right, don't you agree?

Speaker 1:

It does and it gives you fresh ideas, because sometimes someone starts to have contests. I know someone who had a lot of luck with contests I hardly ever see her post anymore, um, but for a whole year, all last year, she had these wonderful contests and she got a lot of movement onto her page for it spread out her reach. She's up in oregon, um, and I was like, oh gosh, I forgot about contests. I think that's actually fun. What can I have for a contest? It's not like you're trying to take something that isn't yours. You're just borrowing from that concept, capitalizing on it and taking the ball and running with it. Don't shy or afraid to do that no, no, I does.

Speaker 2:

We, we talk, we get into each other's inboxes all the time and throw, we are throwing ideals around with each other all the time. I have people all the time. Do you think this is a good idea? What about this? What about that? You know, we, and same with me I don't know how many times a day I probably text shannon about with ideas and I just, um, it helps a lot, it helps with the algorithm. Um, eventually you can get, uh, the blue, the almighty blue check mark. I still can't get that, but you do and I love that you put that blue check mark.

Speaker 1:

I put my own blue check mark on my thing. I love it. I couldn't get one from Facebook. I'm banned for some reason. Um on it for.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what um, but those are just kind of like um, solidifying that, um, this person is who they say they are and they are legitimately in this business and they have, they offer these services. You can do one for your personal page. I didn't think that was necessary because I mean, eventually I might do that because, like you said, let's be honest, as much as you try to separate the two, it's really just becomes one and the same. Yeah, it just becomes impossible. But on my personal page I'm just like everybody else. I have a family. I have family that is cross country, that love to see what my little is up to and is he doing good.

Speaker 1:

I value my time, just like everybody else, and yeah, so so you know the recommended amount of times that you should post on Facebook. I mean, I know in the beginning they're like you need to post three times a day, seven days a week, daunting. It's like you know prepping meals, right. So you have to figure out what you're going to do to post. So, like for with Sarah, um, literally she plans out the whole month. We talked previously for the end of the month. We plan out the whole month prior. Like, for example, um, the month of September is a self-care month, so, um, we're going to focus a little bit on that.

Speaker 1:

And then you know she's like have you got anything new that you're working on? What about this? Are you still running this promo? What about that? And then that's posted and we sometimes do AB testing. So sometimes you make two posts that are the same and you see what you get movement and traction on and the one that you get movement on. Then you elaborate, then you maybe you repost that and add in different content, or maybe you repost it and add a different photo. There's a lot of things to recycle in your content. Doing lives on your Facebook page gives you a lot more movement than a stagnant photo.

Speaker 1:

People love seeing lives you can do um cleaning tool Tuesdays, right. I did that for a really long time and sometimes those old videos come up on my feed. I'm like I'm not resharing those. I have one and I boosted it. You can boost on your social media.

Speaker 2:

I have one and I boosted it. You can boost on your social media Right, and this was last year I believe. I got over 700 people that liked that picture and it was literally me in my moment running the business. I was fairly new. I had to get my son to karate. I had his gi, his karate belt wrapped around my neck, his bo staff in my hand and his bag for karate with at the time I was still utilizing.

Speaker 2:

This was before I switched over to Jabra, but I was still writing in a actual calendar like handwriting. I had a big calendar. I have that calendar here somewhere because I always want to remember this moment. And my first person that I hired, my cleaning tech, looked over and said Jamie, let me get that picture of you. She goes this is perfect. She could see the commercial in this, so you're basically trying the life stuff. Yeah, and it I literally said busy mom or dad. We know the feeling. It's a real life picture of me in the moment and I, like I said, I got over 700 likes on that.

Speaker 2:

I boosted it and and that that is what kind of for me. It went viral in my mind and that's what put me on the map. They love seeing real life moments Like, oh, they could resonate with that. Or oh, I want my house to look like that. I've had people reach out like can you really get the soaps come off like that? Sure can, sure can. Why do you want it? I'm here, let's get you on the schedule, let's do a walkthrough and it evolves. It evolves from there.

Speaker 1:

Definitely. So. That's just one element that you can use to capitalize on the free resources that Zuck Bucks puts out there. So you also have to remember, too, that you should when we can talk about housing data and how to keep your data safe, and all that on another podcast but there should be some sort of resource that you have that you can recycle. So, and it doesn't have to be overwhelming and just for we'll we'll actually go down Instagram rabbit hole or rumble or YouTube or 50 other social media platforms there are we're just talking mostly about Facebook, but a lot of things can just be recycled or repurposed.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes you can run a really long video and if you're savvy enough, you can edit it and make two videos. There's actually software now that you can download video and then upload snippets. Those are really popular for a while. I don't know if they still are. I haven't done them in a while. There's a lot of things that you can do and if you're savvy enough, you can save them. And if you're savvy enough, you can save them. And if you have a big enough phone, like I have one or I believe one terabyte was the most you could buy this year on my iPhone and you can store a lot of videos. That way, if something comes up, you can just edit it really quick, pop it up and boom, and it was that. It was the spare of the moment.

Speaker 1:

Jamie's got this real life thing going on. She's trying to get her kid over to karate for his lessons and that's just living the dream. That's reality. Will one day she have to always do that? Well, bodie will be an adult in no time, shortly, but she was there and present for her kid.

Speaker 1:

That's the greatest thing about being in this industry is it gives you the lifestyle that you need to be with your family. And I can't tell you the lifestyle that you need to be with your family and I can't tell you how important that is. For a long time is you sacrificed everything for the team. Your family came second. It's not that way anymore. We are working in with our lives, with our family.

Speaker 1:

I have two adult children. My oldest is almost 30 and I have two babies. My youngest, my little man, is eight. My little terrorist. He keeps me on my toes. You have to be able to just fit it in, and this lifestyle of being a cleaning business owner is very lucrative. It provides you time with your family and you can set up the schedule that you want. And I know people are like I can't find this, I can't do that. You have to put in the effort first. So the very first thing Jamie is recommending is to make sure that you have a Facebook profile. The second thing is you have to have a Facebook profile for your business, and the third is you have to have friends.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Either you know them or?

Speaker 1:

not. I mean I have, I think I have. I think I've hit the maximum and now I just have followers. I believe I have like 6,000 followers on one page and I believe I have followers on the other, but that's. That's a huge circle of influence. So when I'm posting stuff, it goes out further. That's the circle of influence, right, and then hopefully those guys are getting my stuff and they're sharing it. If they're not, and I'm not doing something crazy enough or someone will reach out and go. I saw your post from like February 2 of 2022. Yes, I'm like what? Can you screenshot that?

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of posts up there.

Speaker 1:

Right, I'm like okay, and then then I'm like, oh yeah, I remember what that one was all about. So then you're getting the connection with the people. Or I saw that you did this cabin and can you really do that with my cabin? I have a cabin that's a mile and a half down the road. I saw your post. So this is how it starts to work, but you have to consistently do that.

Speaker 1:

If you are overwhelmed with posting for social media and you have the budget for it, I will leave Sarah's contact information. She is my VA. She's totally fluent in the cleaning industry. She bills you by the hour and you pay at the end of the month. It's actually really reasonable. I don't know if she's taking on new clients You'd have to actually ask her but I highly recommend if you want someone who is fluent with what she's doing here. She's here in the States, which is nice, and I'm not saying that if you're out of the country you cannot be a good VA. I just prefer to hire a stateside first. Then I'm outsourcing to another country right now. It doesn't mean that down the road I might not want to make baby want to do that Maybe I won't but right now I'm providing Sarah work to support her family and do her thing here in the States, and that's a priority to me. So yeah, exactly Offended over that, it's just what. How I feel.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, I, I, yeah, I agree, I agree. You can start outsourcing it. Or, whenever you get enough cleaning techs, you can start doing stuff at home, because my job is to make sure that my employees have the work. And while I'm doing that, I am making sure that I'm posting on the social media. I'm updating my website. You know. I'm making my presence known, our presence known, right.

Speaker 1:

And I can tell you that right now on Facebook especially, long form posts like a paragraph or two and a photo, are moving almost as quickly as video. So the algorithm likes long form posts right now. So like, for example, there's someone and you know, I just went for this walk this morning blah, blah, blah, and in the distance, I just went for this walk this morning blah, blah, blah and in the distance I saw this. But long form posts work better than short posts. But if you're new and you're trying to figure it out and you're like overwhelmed, like what do I write? Because that's always the biggest thing, who cares what I have to say? Right, we all go through imposter syndrome, like does anyone care that I'm showing these toilets? But eventually someone is like oh yeah, I saw Jamie's post on those toilets.

Speaker 1:

Let's hit her up and then they'll reach out and, like you know, the whole thing.

Speaker 2:

Believe it or not, people are paying attention. I will, and people in your area. Just because I have 2,700 people, followers and everything you know, I still have my client base that are totally paying attention and it gets out there. It gets out around in your area, so just keep at it. You know patience and there's a lot of frustration that comes in Because you're learning something that is.

Speaker 1:

This was totally foreign to me, you know this is a big pill to swallow when you're new. You're like. You want me to do what? How do I, how do I video my cleaning?

Speaker 2:

You know it's a lot, it's a lot to take in, and, but there's baby steps. Just take your baby steps, Breathe in, breathe out. You will get through this. This too will pass and next thing you know, you will be making hundreds and thousands of dollars.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, you will.

Speaker 1:

That's basically what I would focus on for social media. I would start with one platform and then add in another platform and then a third platform and then at that point having some sort of scheduler. There is a scheduling option with your business page. That comes for free in the Facebook thing, but you can only post to. I believe Instagram and Facebook are connected now, so there is an option to post to both of those, but unless you have a digital calendar poster system, I think I use Puebler is what it's called P-U-B-L-E-R. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, p-u-b-l-e-r.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right, and um, that it's a digital um posting system for all of my social media. So they Sarah just logs in there and does her thing and I've added her as an um, um, a poster in there and then she just it's posted. Then you don't have to worry about anything, unless of course, they do an update or a patch and you have to reauthorize. But that's pretty painless and then that makes your life easier. And how I got Pueblo is um.

Speaker 1:

App sumo is a website for entrepreneurs. There's always new up and coming software. Sometimes you buy the software, you're like not so much, I want to give you a three day refund. And then other times you're like oh my God, this is fantastic, it's the best thing ever. So there have been a lot of things that you can really utilize and help like make your life easier. And then there's actually a Facebook group to resell the products that you've bought from AppSumo. There's a process to it. I've actually never done it, but I have a girlfriend who's done it several times. She's like I don't like this, do you want to buy it?

Speaker 2:

Well, and don't forget, there's also memberships too that you actually you and Kim had him on as a guest speaker, which is Dan Young he has created dan young yeah, clean pixel, uh, it's called clean pixel ai or something like that, and it's a great little product. I really can and it is, and I am very much a part of it. Um, uh, he has different uh, you know, you can have one for as well as 25 a month and it just helps you make content economical um but he you.

Speaker 2:

It goes all the way up to 500 a month and it just helps you make content economical, um, but it goes all the way up to five hundred dollars a month, um, and, and everything in between and again, if you're listening, you're welcome.

Speaker 1:

You gotta plug um, he's actually gonna be on another episode. I just haven't had a chance to connect with him yeah, no, and he's really great.

Speaker 2:

He's super easy to talk to and that's clean pixelcom.

Speaker 1:

And AI? I can't remember. Yes, it's clean.

Speaker 2:

It'll come up Clean pixel, it will come up. We really are trying to give you a promo.

Speaker 2:

We really are trying to give you a promo. Yeah, I'm not affiliated in any way. He just, dan, happens to be a pretty good friend. If I ever have a problem I have, I can jump over into his inbox. It's all this circle of networking here. He is the creator of this program. Like I said, I'm not trying, said I'm not an affiliate, but for those that are just starting out, it is a great product, especially if you're coming at a loss for content. You tell AI, you type it in and say this is what I want to say. Here's the picture that I have and within seconds it spits something out and has the proper hashtags, because we know that hashtags are very important whenever you're making content. Remember to use your hashtags, ladies and gentlemen, right.

Speaker 1:

It has really been a benefit for this segment of the industry.

Speaker 2:

Right, it's very new.

Speaker 1:

And something came up in like five and a half seconds, I was like oh my God, this would have taken me a couple hours.

Speaker 2:

So long, so long, and you get those heavy eyelids and a big pounding headache trying to just think of something. And here it is, right at your disposal. Um, I suggest looking into it. Uh, it's helped me a lot because I do manage a lot of other things. Um, I do. We take on a lot of big jobs and, um, we take on a lot of big jobs and it's just a nice little stepstone. If you're not, if you're down the road, right down the road, a little bit if you have the budget, it's actually pretty economical.

Speaker 1:

I use chat GPT only because I have learned how to use it and initially I was overwhelmed because you don't know what to feed it to get the information you need. I think that someone should just master that. And then everyone's like you need keywords. I'm like, okay, well, I get that you need keywords, but I still don't know how to make it work right. So after I figured it out, I was like, okay, this is awesome, but Dan Young's project is actually very useful and it's specifically for the cleaning industry, so that makes it nice. It's already pre-prompted for it to feed you information. Just remember that and I've seen this as a big trend right now on Amazon you can sell eBooks that AI generates. That. Remember you have no trademark or copyright advantage by having AI generate it, just like AI can't come in and make something and have a copyright or a trademark on it. It's because it's AI. There's no law for it. So you can't technically legally have any legal recourse for something that you produce in there.

Speaker 2:

So that still has some of your own idea right.

Speaker 1:

It has to come from your ad copy, or you know. Please rewrite this for me, and nine times out of 10. I like it better for what it rewrites to me than it does within what I came up with. I'm like oh, oh. I never thought of it like that.

Speaker 2:

Oh, oh look at that hashtag, okay, yeah. No, it's great, it's a, it is a good tool and I believe, even if you are making content on your Facebook I don't know about Instagram you are making content on your Facebook. I don't know about Instagram, I'm sure it's there too. Like I said, stick with one. But if you're on Facebook, down at the bottom, whenever you're done, it can sit there and it'll ask you. Ai will ask you rewrite. Now, this is a brand new thing. This is the I want to say within the past six months maybe.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, even though it's been out for a while, it just is hitting us newbies. Yeah, yeah, it's not relevant.

Speaker 2:

But the way I say things and then I ask it, I, by a click of a button, I ask it to rewrite it and it'll ask you do you want it professional, heartfelt, funny? How do you want to? How do you want you? Just tell it what you want it to do. Do you want this to feel heartfelt? And it does it better than anything that I could come up with.

Speaker 1:

So and you can use it to get your bio too. I did that the other day in five seconds, and it was only because I've used it before, so it took all of the information.

Speaker 2:

I have given it over time and I've had that forever because I'm like, oh what I need help with, duh, yeah that's a great idea, right, and it's like, legitimately, it made me a bio in like five seconds.

Speaker 1:

I was like, oh my god, thank you yes and.

Speaker 2:

I I'm always using it for help with, like I said, I do bigger jobs so I need to write up a lot of proposals and and negotiations and stuff that takes place. So chat GPT has helped me a lot in that aspect. I didn't even think of it to write my bio, especially specific to this industry, and that's a good idea.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was. Yeah, I was. I absolutely loved it and I put. I typed in Wow, I am going to. I said you're welcome. If you need any adjustments, let me know. Dot dot dot. Right. So that isn't necessarily social media, but it kind of goes into the social media aspect. It can be overwhelming and maybe next time we can talk all about Instagram. I would love to have a guest of Instagram come on and talk all about it and the algorithm and I know it changes all of the time. So if you know of an Instagram person that will come on as a guest that Jamie and I can talk to, it would be absolutely wonderful to hear from them.

Speaker 2:

An influencer.

Speaker 1:

Right or yeah? An influencer who does Instagram, who knows about it.

Speaker 2:

It's great to have an influencer, but you know I get it Especially specific to this industry, because I, you know, I'm I am so so with Instagram, um.

Speaker 1:

I haven't most of my stuff's on Facebook and I don't need to get up there.

Speaker 2:

I just like I do have a lot of followers there, but um, and it does give you an option from Facebook to um. Sometimes it does not, though. So sometimes it does not, though I got to play around with it, Sometimes it'll. You try to click that yes Post to both and this content? It goes against something and it's like wait, what? So that's something that I need to learn.

Speaker 1:

Right, instagram has to have a video on it. It can't have a stagnant photo. From what?

Speaker 2:

I write Right, that's what it is. It has to have a video.

Speaker 1:

So if you don't have any videos handy, then that can be an issue. Anyway, this concludes our little mini session on why social media is important to you and your cleaning business and some steps to take to post to mostly Facebook. Marketing in general is such a broad aspect of our industry and make sure that you pick some. If you need help with it, make sure you pick someone who has the knowledge of the cleaning industry. Everyone says it's always the same, but it's not. Cleaning is a special niche, especially house cleaning, and there's different segments of our market. There's power washing, there's commercial, there's floors, there's carpet, there's refinishing, there's grout resurfacing. I mean our industry has really gotten large, especially in the last 10 years. It's amazing to watch how much growth it's had.

Speaker 1:

So thank you so much, jamie, for coming on, and I shall talk to you soon. You take care, yes, bye, Bye.

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